Please, find here the schedule of the conference and the details below.
You can also open the file schedule.pdf and obtain the details by one click on the ☼ symbols.
Registration will be possible in the main entrance of the conference place from Monday morning 8:00, accompanied by a tea/coffee.
Plenary Sessions
Everyday except Wednesday, the conference will start with a plenary session.
Caution: starting hours are changing along the week!
The details of the Plenary Sessions are given from page 2 of the file Abstracts.pdf.
- Monday's plenary session
Satya MAJUMDAR: « Random Convex Hulls and Extreme Value Statistics
- Tuesday's plenary session
Peter GLYNN: « New Phenomena/New Algorithms for Rare Events »
- Thursday's plenary session
Geurt JONGBLOED: « Everything is getting worse... Or not? »
- Friday's plenary session
Francis ZWIERS: « Anthropogenic Influence on Long Return Period Daily Temperature and Precipitation Extremes »
Invited Sessions
The details of the Invited Sessions are given from page 4 of the file Abstracts.pdf.
Invited Session 1 (Monday morning)
Spatio-Temporal Modeling
Martin Schlather
(Göttingen University, Germany)
Petra Friederichs: « Spatial modeling of peak wind speed using max-stable processes »
Philippe Naveau: « An entropy based approach to detect changes in climate extremes »
Stilian Stoev: « Decomposability of max-stable processes »
Invited Session 2 (Tuesday afternoon)
Rare Events
Soren Asmussen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Jose Blanchet: « Rare event analysis of heavy-tailed systems with multiple jumps »
Dominik Kortschak: « Second order tail asymptotics for the sum of dependent, subexponential random variables »
LAST MINUTE CHANGE: Paul Embrechts « Risk aggregation (A geometric calculation for rare event probabilities) »
Invited Session 3 (Wednesday morning)
Insurance and Finance
Organizer: Roger Cooke (TU Delft , Ressources for the Future)
Dorota Kurowicka: « Vine regression for predicting the effects of climate change
using geo-economic data »
Jolanta Misiewicz: « Dependence measures for joint fat tailed distributions »
Roger Cooke: « Policy impacts of fat tails »
Invited Session 4 (Wednesday afternoon)
Industrial Risks
Philip Jonathan (Shell Technology Centre, Thornton, UK)
Sofia Caires: « A comparative simulation study of the annual maxima
and the peaks-over-threshold methods »
Caroline Keef: « Generating event sets for the insurance industry »
Marc Kennedy: « Improved modelling of extreme pesticide residues for probabilistic dietary exposure modelling »
Paul Northorp: « Threshold modelling of spatially-dependent non-stationary extremes »
Invited Session 5 (Thursday morning)
Dependence and Multivariate Extremes
Jonathan Tawn (Lancaster University, UK) - Chairman:
Laurens de Haan (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Johan Segers: « Nonparametric bayesian inference on bivariate extremes »
Felix Ballani: « New models for multivariate extremes: a construction principle and related properties »
David A. Clifton: « Multivariate, multimodal extremes for novelty detection »
Invited Session 6 on Friday morning
Extremes in High Dimension
Johan Segers (Universite Catholique de Louvain)
Antony Davison: « Modelling of extreme rainfall in space and time »
Stephan Haug: « Copula structure analysis based on extreme dependence »
Brian Reich: « A finite-dimensional construction of a max-stable process for spatial extremes »
Invited Session 7 on Friday afternoon
Climate and Geosciences
Organizers: Richard Smith (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA) and
Philippe Naveau (CNRS LSCE)
Julie Carreau:
« Non-stationary frequency analysis of heavy rainfall events with
climatic covariates in the French Mediterranean region »
Dan Cooley: « A model for extremes on a regular spatial lattice »
Richard Smith: « Extreme value theory and single-event attribution in climatology »
Contributed Sessions
Three parallel sessions had to be organized. Find below the last name of all the speakers.
The details of the Contributed Sessions are given from page 12 of the file Abstracts.pdf.
Poster Session
The Poster Session will be held on Monday, 27 from 17:40.
This session will be ended by a cheese and wine party !
Find below the last name of the participants.
Angeletti |
Geirsson |
Mannshardt |
Papastahopoulos |
Scarrott |
Chautru |
Menneteau |
Pham |
Strokorb |
. |
Dias |
Hrafnkelsson |
Neves C. |
Picek |
Van de Vyver |
El-Methni |
Kysely |
Ortiz |
Prata Gomes |
Weng |
Fraga Alves |
Ling |
Randell |
Liu Y. |
Raschke |
The details of the Poster Session are given from page 47 of the file Abstracts.pdf.
Lunch, Buffet, Conference dinner
Lunch meals will be taken on the Campus, at 5-10 minutes walk from the site of the conference. A buffet will be offered on Wednesday 29 before the afternoon social program. The conference dinner will take place in the Parc de la Tête d'Or, in a nice area in front of the lake.
Social Program
After a friendly buffet, we will join a guided river boat cruise on the Saône, to discover the charm of a two thousand year old town...